Tuesday 3 January 2012

If you can't beat 'em ...

God and his dog seem to be making New Year collages at the moment - and as I am a bit of a camera addict (untalented but keen) here goes:

Highlights from the last year. It's a good way of reminding myself that despite the lows and the huge life changes there HAVE been plenty of wonderful days out, laughs, sunny days and general good feelings.

and then there are the assorted 'things' I have made over the year that I am pretty chuffed with. Pink and black may figure in some of these.

Tis also a reminder to self to actually FINISH things (the pink crochet is a half made summery bag that I am really pleased with, but I need to get my act together and finish it).

On health notes which I won't try to collage (phew) I am struggling with the new tablets, utterly drained of all energy but not sick which is a bonus. Sums it up when 'not puking' is the best thing about a new tablet!

So that's as much as I can manage at the moment, hope all are well and chirpy.

1 comment:

Carola said...

Don't forget to PM me your address. I have a bunch of buttons destined to go your way :)

